patty's quiz

You might want to BUY the book "Guide to Impressionist Paris" if you are unable to answer the following questions:
(Click on the number to see the answer)
1 Which major Impressionist painter depicted the city of Paris more times than any other?
2 Who said, "It seems crazy to paint everything you see before you?"
3 Which Impressionist painter altered the location of the Sainte Chapelle steeple to enhance his composition?
4 Which well known American painter considered his impressionist style paintings as "wrist work" and was angry he had wasted his time on an elitist "foreign" style?
5 Who said, "I believe I have done nothing but continue what others have done better before me?"
6 While inside the Louvre, Monet was inspired by what motif?
7 Which American Impressionist painter depicted the view from his hotel window on the Quai Voltaire?
8 Which French Impressionist did the same view as the painter in question 7 but six years later?
9 Who was often drunk, never participated in the Independent Exhibitions held between 1874 and 1886 but Monet credits him with "the education of my eye"?

While painting in the Luxembourg gardens, who reached for the green paint instead of the earth tones for the first time?


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