patty lurie the spiritual truth seeker

I have been studying spirituality and metaphysics for the better part of 30 years. I consider the possibility that we have lived many lifetimes highly probable and have come to the conclusion that each lifetime adds to our soul's evolution.

To first understand my own spiritual path and then to assist others I have become an astrologer. I accept that the configuration of the planets at one's time of birth can give a general blueprint identifying major lessons and our soul's quest this lifetime. Knowing some basics about one's astrological chart could make decision making and problem solving fun and rewarding

I do give astrology readings in Paris; you need to know your exact time, date and place of birth. For a consultation while in Paris, simply email for an appointment. The emphasis is on your soul's karmic path.

Of course, we have free will to follow or not to follow our "destiny" but life can be less stressful when one simply embraces and honors that which he/she has chosen to learn.

I have also, for nearly 30 years, read tarot cards and consider them to be highly effective. Their validity, however, depends on the ability of the reader. The fashion in which I read the cards is not to tell your future but to help you with immediate problems or decisions.

It has been my experience that the cards read at three levels:

  • the first are things you just need another person to say out loud
  • the second are things that are buried a bit and you need them brought to the surface
  • the third are things that are more deeply buried but once uncovered you are able to line the information up with your life.

There is nothing that I will tell you that that you can't know for yourself. You just need to ask for help from the univeral cosmic energy, listen for the answer and make the decision to follow the advice.

For a tarot card reading while in Paris, simply email for an appointment.

A PERSONAL NOTE: In 1990 I moved to france and started what I consider to be a new life. From my 17 year old vantage point, I know starting a new life does not solve those unsolved problems from the previous lifetime. It is, however, fun to know which lessons from before have been learned and which still need more work. I also have a valuable, practical understanding of 'karma'.

