patty lurie the writer

I am actually a writer by accident.

In 1984 I had come to France wanting to walk in the foot steps of the Impressionists as I had just completed a series of paintings inspired by their works. My original intention had been to look through their eyes, understand their creative process and then to do a new body of works. Everything changed, however, when I went to Auvers-sur-Oise, just north of Paris, on the first day. I arrived at 2 o'clock, the exact hour Van Gogh had captured in his painting, "Church at Auvers" (Orsay Museum, Paris) and suddenly, before my eyes, the dirt path turned into a panoply of color and the shadow on the church roof appeared orange. I was experiencing the world as Van Gogh had perceived it. The following day I went to Argenteuil and what was then and is still now an unattractive, industrial suburb of Paris became as Monet and Renoir had both depicted it in "Seine at Argenteuil" (Orsay Museum, Paris) -- quiet and relaxing.

That summer I forgot about painting and simply explored sites and delved into the creative souls of Monet, Renoir; Sisley, Manet, Pissarro and of course Van Gogh.


My second book, Guide to Impressionist Paris (robson press, 1997) consists of 9 walking tours. Featured are Impressionist paintings compared with their present day location. Its amazing how little Paris has actually changed in the last 125 years.

It is also available in French, "Guide du Paris Impressionniste" (editions Parigramme, 1997) and in Portuguese "Guia da Paris Impressionista" (Editora Record, Brazil 1997).

Once back home I kept thinking of my painting vacation and decided to share it with others. Thus, my first book, Guide to Impressionist Landscape (Little, Brown 1990 -- SORRY BUT IT IS NOW OUT OF PRINT) was conceived. From start to finish this book only took 6 years but it changed my life.

I now live, paint and write in France.

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